Max just finished licking the salt off my fingers (Sun Chips – They’re the best) and reminded me that it has been a long time since I have posted anything on line. (Good Boy, Max). I used to tease My Mom and Kathy’s Mom & Dad about how busy their schedules were even though they were retired. I was not sure I would have the stamina to keep up in retirement. Little did I know then how true that would prove to be. Thank goodness for nap times. (I still think we should go into retirement out of college until we are 60, and then go to work to pay back the retirement 😀)
I’m retired why do I have so much to do? Just asking… 😀
Anyway, enough about that. On the many trips out in our back yard with Max – he loves to be outside, but only if one or both of us are out there with him (who’s training whom?) – I took the following pictures of the flowers/trees in our yard. I am always amazed at the beauty around us. Thank goodness Max slows me down enough to take notice and snap a few pictures. I hope you enjoy these…