Humming Right Along

The hummingbird feeder has been a very busy location these past few weeks. The Ruby-throated Hummingbird goes through this area during its migrations, but not usually this far west. We had a visitor two years ago, none last year, and this year has been quite a wonderful change.

I have seen 3-5 birds at various times. This year I placed the feeder on the edge of our deck just 20 feet from my desk. With my camera set up in the door way I would quickly – but carefully – move from my desk to the camera for some clicks while the birds were feeding.

Not sure how long these beautiful hummingbirds will stay before they continue south, but every day they are here is such a blessing. I can’t imagine being that small and traveling the great distances they travel each spring and fall.

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3 Responses to Humming Right Along

  1. CHARLES OAKES says:


  2. Linda Latham says:

    We always have four, one male and three females. I understand that can live between six and twelve years, so I don’t know if we have the same ones every year. I think they may follow the same migration pattern. Sometimes they share, and then at other times, they are very territorial. Mine always arrive somewhere between the first and third week of April, and usually leave around the last of September. I put the feeder up the first week in April and then leave it up for about two to three weeks after I have seen the last. I love to watch them, and if their feeder gets an “air bubble” in it, they will fly up to the window (outside my kitchen sink) and let me know it needs to be “tipped” to get rid of the bubble. During the really hot days I put fresh sugar water in every day. My four drink about 8 to 10 ozs. a day. Thank you for sharing your photos. My male is beautiful, with the bright red throat and the females are sort of “drab” compared to him, but still beautiful, green and white.

    • Dick says:

      Thank you for your comments. I just love watching these marvelous creatures. I visited the San Diego Zoo not too long ago. They have a new Hummingbird House with many varieties. The Docent showed me one of the nests. Mom was on her nest at the time and I was able to make some clicks without disturbing her. The nest is so small.

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